Latvian Green Movement

Latvian Green Movement (LaGM) is an environmental non-governmental organisation (established in 2004) with more than 100 individual members and five regional groups working to promote environmental protection and public participation.

LaGM is a member of Environmental Advisory Council (consisting of 20 national environmental NGOs), is represented in Green Investment Scheme Advisory board on financing of activities aimed at climate change mitigation, as well is represented in some other advisory bodies in Latvia.

Content-wise LaGM focuses in its work on three areas: climate issues and sustainable energy; sustainable coastal development and supporting local initiatives and campaigns for improved environmental quality.

LaGM uses various methods to achieve its goals such as advocacy, environmental education, distributing information, campaigning, monitoring and research. We believe that one of the key issues to bridge today with low-carbon development is changing consumption patterns and behaviour.

For more information please visit our Facebook page:

Latvian Climate Policy in the Context of International Negotiations: A Primer for COP17

The following report discusses Latvia’s climate change policy as it relates to the next UNFCCC Conference of Parties to be held in Durban, South Africa from November 28 to December 10, 2011. It begins with an overview of the current state of international climate negotiations, discusses the official EU position and prospects for the AWG-LCA and AWG-KP tracks at Durban, highlights key points for Latvia under the AWG-KP track, and concludes with a discussion of domestic sector-specific mitigation and financing issues not breached by the EU official position but relevant to Latvian climate policy in the context of international negotiations.

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