Aicinām visus zaļi domājošus jauniešus, kurus interesē ilgtspējīgas enerģijas jautājumi, pietiekties dalībai starptautiskā vasaras nometnē, kas notiks no 2011.gada 7.augusta līdz 11.augustam Baltkrievijā (netālu no Minskas). Nometni organizē Baltkrievijas vides organizācija sadarbībā starptautiskais vides NVO sadarbības tīklu INFORSE, kura biedrs ir arī Latvijas Zaļā kustība.
Nometnes darba valodas: angļu, krievu
Izmaksas: dalībniekiem, kuru dalība tiks apstiprināta, visas ar ceļošanu un uzturēšanos saistītās izmaksas segs organizatori.
Informācija par vasaras nometni angļu valodā atrodama šeit:
Informācija par nometni angļu valodā:
Youth Camp: 7-11 August, 2011
The “Sustainable Energy – Green Youth Camp” is for young activists (18-30 years of age) working on or interested in sustainable energy and environmental issues. Participants of Summer Camp are young people from Belarus and from Baltic and Nordic countries. (Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway).
The program of the Camp includes presentations and discussions on sustainable energy issues and 100% renewable energy scenarios by 2030/2050, experiences with practical use of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions including exhibition materials, environmental games (e.g., role-playing, system-thinking game about management of natural resources), and films.
The program includes:
- Discussions and seminars with experts in the field of ecology and sustainable energy from Belarus, Baltic and Nordic countries as well as from other European countries;
- Presentations and discussion on sustainable energy issues and 100% renewable energy scenarios by 2030 /2040 /2050.
- Experiences with practical use of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions including exhibition materials.
- Popular Environmental Films (Climate film: “Age of Stupid”, “4th Revolution – Energy Autonomy”, and others)
- Environmental games: role-playing, system-thinking game about management of natural resources “Fish Bank” developed by Dennis Meadows, the author of “Limits to Growth” and others.
- Practical Demonstration and use of renewable and energy efficiency, to showcase sustainable energy and to reduce CO2 emissions
Languages: English and Belarus/Russian, some workshops will be only in one language.
Number of participants: 25-40 people (Registration is Compulsory)
Accommodation: in tents
Costs: The Baltic NGO Cooperation Project will cover the basic costs at the seminar, and offer travel support for participants from Baltic countries and Belarus. Nordic participants will pay own travel and visa.